Waste in containers larger than 10 gallons, Ammunition or explosives, asbestos products, latex driveway sealer, latex or oil based paint, building or
construction debris, tires, furniture, medical waste, pharmaceuticals, propane or other flammable
gas cylinders, radioactive materials, scrap metal, metal drums or empty containers, motor oil, car
batteries, alkaline or rechargeable batteries.
Paint, Stain, Varnish -
Paint care drop off locations will accept these materials year-round.
AAA, AA, C, D, 9 Volt and lantern batteries are regular household trash.
Rechargeable Nickel Cadmium Batteries and cell phones – Bring to a drop off location at a local retailer.
Automotive Batteries and Motor Oil - Drop off at auto centers or local repair shop.
Medications - visit
www.dutchessny.gov/solidwaste for drop off locations.